Wednesday, October 20, 2004

So much to do, so little time...

It occurred to me today on the way home from school that I have a lot going on. This thought crossed my mind principally because it was still light outside when I got home today. With school, church, Japan, textbook selection, wondering what next year has in store, etc. it's a wonder that I'm as nonplussed as I am. I can't think about that too much though- it'll stress me out. :)

Also, I have realized that I have essentially no clue on how to prepare for a sub. who'll "be me" for more than 2 days. I know what they'll be doing during that time, but I'm not sure how specific I need to be. Typically when I'm gone for a couple of days I'm really concerned about how they behave in my 3 weeks they're bound to be naughty. When I get back, do they get chastised for their inevitable naughtiness or do I just pick up where I left off, ride out the last 2 weeks of the semester and then start back up with the rules of my class after Winter Break? These are my ponderings...

I did get my Japan business cards made (I printed them on Wendy's computer last week). I think they look nice; I chose not to go with the Japanese writing on one side, because anyone who tried to address something to me in Japanese would inevitably have it sent back to them anyhow. Class days remaining: 16 and counting.


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